Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last Post : (

Act 3: A Dolls House's final act was very good and surprising. Nora became a new person ans was very determine to be her own person. I'm happy that she left Torvald and decided to start fresh.


Women's Roles in Marriage: This them was shown a lot in the play. The theme at first was shown that the women should always be beside her husband and always agree with he wants and don't have a say in situations.

Ex: Nora in the play was always saying how she could not do anything without Torvald and that she needed him constantly.

In Act three Nora really shows the definition of the play. She comes to an epiphany that she has been just a doll and people have been playing with her. She decides not be one and leave her family behind for a new beginning.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Act Two

Reflection on Act 2: So far in Act two the secret Nora is hiding from Torvald is haunting her. She knows that if Krogstad is fired from his job which he is, then he might black mail her and tear her family apart. Ive notice that Nora has an obsession with her family and does not what them to fall apart and the family should always have money. Torvald has proved to me that he does not have a lot of respect for Nora. He treats her like a child and knows for a fact that he needs her to lean on.

Marriage personal ideologies

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Act One = )

Analyze of Act 1

Nora: Nora is introduce in Act one. She seems very cheerful and happy. She does not seem independent and always relies on her husband Torvald. She is obsessed with money and always what are nice things from her husband. She treats her kids like dolls and is very all over the place.

Torvald Helemer: Nora’s husband Torvald has an out of the ordinary view on women and how he treats Nora. He always is stressing and complains about money and how they should not waste it. He also does not want her to eat macaroons.

Kristina Linde: Nora's childhoods friend who comes back to see her. She seems to need something from Nora and it appears to be a job.

Krogstad: The man who Nora amortiziation. He helped her pay for Torvald illness.

Themes In My Opinion Are Shown in Act One:
· Macaroons
· Money
· Females Roles

REFLECTION: So far in Act One, I enjoy the play. It seems to be a lot of foreshadowing in the first act. Nora is defaintley very depending on her husband and he knows this. Krogstad and Nora secret is about to be put out on the table pretty soon because of the relationship between the two of them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First Assignment on A Doll's House

Henrik Ibsen was born in March 1828. Henrik Ibsen was in Skein, a tiny coast town in South Norway. Because of his farther financial failure he moved to Venstop to a farmhouse. From 1851-1864 he worked in theaters in Bergen. When Ibsen was 21 he wrote his first play called Catiline. He married Susannah Thoreson and had one son. He felt that husbands and wife should be equal and free to become their own human beings (This belief can be seen clearly in A Doll's House). His beliefs and private life was shown in his writing. Because of his personal ideologies his writing started sensitive social issue. He left Norway and move to Italy.

A Doll's House open on Christmas eve with Nora walking in cheerfully with bag from shopping. She tells her maid to hide the gifts. Nora is then greeted my her husband. Her husband's belief in a marriage is that a man should protect his wife and be powerful. This may relate to Henrik Ibsen own life. Throughout the play there is a symbol of struggle with middle class families in Norway. These financial problems defiantly relate to Ibsen own life with his own problems with his farther. Throughout the play many symbols are shown to hint to a bigger picture